Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Thing #1: Blog to document, share, learn

Your first THING will be a blog.

Confused? Click to check out the welcome page.


Goal oriented? Documenting on the blog each month puts you in the running for a grand prize.
Process oriented? The blog gives you a chance to reflect, share, support, and gain ideas from other teammates.

Do I need to use Blogger?

I am using Blogger simply because I already have an account; if you have a Google account, you can use the same one, as they are integrated.  It will be easy for you to view and connect with other teammates who also use it.  My other recommendation would be Wordpress since it also has an app; if you have a smartphone, iPod, or iPad, blogging from your device will make the process easier. Gaggle has a blog feature (not too many bells or whistles).

But first...brand yourself!

Not the most exciting, but my professional persona is SaraKLMS. This is different from what I use with the students, and definitely separate from personal use. We will use it for Twitter, so take some time and come up with something clever and/or simple. 
Buffy Hamilton is the Unquiet Librarian; Todd Nesloney is @TechNinjaTodd.  You might want to check if it's a Twitter handle already or Google your idea, etc. Here's a wild and wacky article on the branding process:
May I suggest you not embed your school name? What if you move?!


Create an account in your blog site of your choice.
I added a screenshots of how to personalize settings:


Decide if you want your page public (recommended).
Decide if you want it searchable through Blogger or any search engine.
Decide if your viewers must have Blogger accounts, etc. Being more" transparent" is preferred.
Comments must be moderated per administration.
I recommend that you look over the Social Media policy.

Done.  Now what?

Start Writing. 
Differentiate yourself according to how comfortable you are:
Rookie:  Tell us about yourself!  Well, not TMI (too much information).  But how about what you teach, and what your goals are with this challenge?  What tech integration has worked?  What have you heard about?  Who are your idols? What are some favorite websites?  Groovy websites you've come across?  Read a cool article? Do something neat in a class? Hear about a lesson someone else did?  Get philosophical or just have fun.  Blog it!
Look at other colleagues' 10 Thing blogs.  Post their URLs on your blog and respond/reflect on any that you connect with.
Varsity: Quantity!  Blog several times a week.  Also, check out #CE13 or Google Connected Educator and share what you find! 
Google other educator blogs, especially those in your field.  Get inspired!
All State: Create a test blog using another blogging site and report out your findings/comparisons.  Help another teammate set up!


1. Blog on at least 3 different occasions. 
2. Paste your blog URL to the Google Doc spreadsheet so we can all see it!
3. This was meant to be for September.  Long story.  My bad.  Have it done by October 31 please.

Can't wait for Thing 2!

While you wait, check out #CE13 or Google Connected Educator and share what you find! 
If you are comfortable--tweet to our Twitter hashtag (#10thingstechie).  BTW, Twitter (and other tools) other means of expanding your virtual PLN is the next Thing...
Click here to get started!


  1. Is there supposed to be a link to the Google Doc form under "Assignment" item #2 where is says "I'll put it here!" ? I can't click on that text.

  2. Here's the spreadsheet!

  3. Well, I started blogging after thoroughly reading your instructions and it looks like your intent was for this to be more of a professional blog. I took the avenue of trying to make a classroom blog. I'm not sure it's the best media for what I'm trying to achieve but great to try another thing out!!!

    It would be cool if all my students had blog accounts and then could post a blog about our upcoming guest speaker, for example....hmmmm....

  4. Yes yes, the idea is a professional blog on which you can document your other 'Things'. Great that you extended Thing 1 already! Look into for students. Safe and closed. I can refer you to students and a teacher who used it last year for Health and Med.

  5. *
    Tricky editing on this ancient iPad!

  6. Getting really confused....can't re-access my blog, remember my log in, ahhhhh how to keep this all organized?!?!

  7. I had the same problem! You should be able to give blogger your email and get a reset.

  8. Blogs are more than mere online diaries. Gaggle’s blogs provide you and your students the opportunity to do so much more than
    just post journals online. Gaggle’s blogs allow you to share documents, videos, links, images and even Voki and Animoto videos in
    an online, anywhere format. Imagine the excitement of students when their content is posted online for the whole school to view!
    Gaggle’s blogs have many viewing and privacy options. Blogs can be restricted to specific classes or groups of users, they can be
    public, or they can be public with a shared password. Blogs are also an easy way for teachers to create class webpages. Teachers can
    create and utilize a class blog to post information, distribute important documents, share video tutorials and showcase examples of
    student work. When blogs are password protected, class content is only seen by those individuals that have been given access. In
    addition, commenting access on class and individual blogs can be customized to prevent reader comments.Here are a couple of links to get you started:
    Creating Your New Blog:
    Who Can See My Blog:
